Listening to my brother's croaking song, for he feels like he can sing.
Have been filled with prose and prose and prose, ladies and gentlemen. Prose and prose and prose.
I am more restless by the day. Siiiigh.
Went last night to a Dodgers game with Memo and his friends. It was interesting, I was more amused by the people than I was by the game. I felt all yesterday as if I was in some strange dream. It feels gloomy and balmy by turns. The air is silvery gold, and my bones feel filled with mud.
It is 12:30, and I should be at his house at 3. I need to do laundry yet, and some knitting.
I feel so curious! I feel like I'm dreaming, even now.
My financial aid has come in, so I am a few hundred dollars less poor. I pick up my pay check this week, lads and ladies, and I am so glad of it. Money, money, money. A golden balm to blind the eyes.
Have been reading a lot. Finished two books in the last two days. Grazing through the Chronicles of Narnia like a hungry sheep.
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