two updates in a day means i'm deathly bored.

and feeling a tad unwell. i tried to have an american breakfast this morning at our usual chinese porridge place and was disappointed.

a) shit was about 19 dollars, which is expensive considering that a bowl of porridge is only $13.
b) bacon was half-cooked and stringy. i still wolfed it down. <--not exactly picky.
c) i think the bacon made me ill. 

that or all the hk greasy street food is partying in my belly. not fun.

When you live in a place like HK, I have decided it is best to locate your nearest market where you can find shit to cook in your room or fruit to eat, as I'm already feeling like I got machine grease injected into my veins. I've got this ridiculously delicious salmon en papillote recipe you can cook on a sheet of tinfoil in a microwave that I intend to utilize at least some of the time here. Cuz while it's not cheaper than street food, I reckon it sure is gonna be healthier.

There's a lot of South Asians here. I want to talk to them about how they came to be, how they find Hong Kong life, what are their thoughts on this or that. I want to talk to people! My mother is not allowing, as strangers lurk about every corner waiting to rape a young foreign thing. But every local I meet tells me the same thing, so the danger must really be there, a long shadow with an insidious owner around the corner somewhere.

Also drink a shitload of water, kids. These toxins and chemicals in the air and in the greasy food require much to flush it out. And you walk EVERYWHERE in this town, sitting only for the odd taxi cab ride, a seat on the subway si tu as de la chance. Don't get dehydrated in this enchanting cesspool :P