just went out for a smoke with james. the cigarette becomes a timer for the amount of time i've got to spend with him before he disappears again. it sucks to come over here and to still be tied down to the land you came from.

though i suppose i ought to be too.

but i won't be. i won't be tied down anywhere. despite the nagging in my head and the hollow aching in my heart, i shan't. i won't.

bought a chain today. i just want to be a tough dyke, now don't i. look at the little asian girl.

who do i think i am. ellen degeneres.

lord and lord and lord and all the heaven You encompass where do i stand on this lonely planet. where do i stand.

who do i think i am. you tell me that because thinking is not what i have been doing lately. i have been drifting in the wind. i have been floating in the haze above kowloon like a spectre, like a mote of carbon dust.

wake up. wake up. wake up.